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•    Increasing of the scientific research contribution to the complex, harmonious and sustainable development of agriculture, forestry and Romanian rural area, in order to fulfill the major national objective of achieving food security and safety;
•    Elaboration of short, medium and long-terms strategies regarding the development of agricultural science and production, as well as the documentation of substantiation and sustaining the administrative factors in promoting agricultural policies;
•    Promotion of advanced scientific research for obtaining results with sure (solid, secure) capitalization prospects in the benefit of knowledge development and high practical enforcement.
•    Promotion of multidisciplinary scientific research for a complex carrying out of the problems caused by the major present day challenges especially regarding global climate changes and the degradation of environmental resources indispensable to the sustainable development of agriculture: soil, water, atmosphere, energy.
•    The encouragement of different types of agriculture (conventional, ecologic, with reduced inputs, conservative) to set up the most favourable types, considering the pedo-climatic conditions, available finances and human resources profile.
•    Preservation and capitalization of the native genofund for increasing and improving the quality of animal and vegetal productions.
•    Promotion of the technologic progress to increase and ensure the constancy of productions and diversified and high quality products.
•    Research encouragement and coordination to ensure the protection of plants, animals and environment health.
•    Increasing Romanian agricultural science competitiveness and contribution to the international fund of values.
•    Supporting the integration process of the Romanian agricultural research into the European Research Area.
•    Development of cooperation and collaboration relationships with foreign partners for sustaining agricultural research progress;
•    Extension, consulting, technology transfer and dissemination activities towards agriculture and food industry users.